NASA and Google announced a
"major discovery"on Thursday: another solar system with eight
planets. That finding is due to the discovery of a new planet, Kepler-90i - a
hot, rocky orb circling a sun-like star called Kepler-90, which is 2,545
light-years from Earth. The planet was found using a machine-learning system
from Google, which was put to work sifting through data from NASA's Kepler
Kepler, a space telescope that
trails Earth in orbit around the sun, has stared down 145,000 sun-like stars
over the years to look for signs of distant planets. Astronomers knew about the
Kepler-90 solar system, but had not previously detected this planet. It appears
to be the third planet from the sun-like star, and orbits roughly every 14
days. The temperature on Kepler-90i surface is likely around 1,800 degrees
Fahrenheit (980 degrees Celsius). "Kepler-90i is not a place I'd like to
go visit," Andrew Vanderburg, an astronomer at the University of Texas at
Austin who helped find the planet, said during a press briefing. Vanderburg was
aided in the work by Google AI software engineer Christopher Shallue. "The
way I see it, what we've developed here is a tool to help astronomers have more
impact," Shallue said. Vanderburg and Shallue also found a second new
planet, called Kepler 80g. To detect these two new worlds, Google's machine
learning learned how to identify signals from exoplanets recorded in the Kepler
It processed 14 billion data
points from four years' worth of Kepler images, using what's known as a
convolutional neural network, which sort of mimics the way the human brain
processes information. NASA and Google say this new technology will help
scientists find many more such exoplanets in the future. In fact, Vanderburg
believes the Kepler-90 solar system likely has more planets that we haven't yet
detected. "It would almost be surprising to me if there weren't any
more," he said. "Is an eight-planet solar system like our own really
that extraordinary? Maybe there are systems out there with so many planets,
they make our solar system seem ordinary."
Prior to this analysis, NASA's
last examination of Kepler data confirmed 219 new worlds in the more than 4,000
candidates that Kepler had turned up. The space agency's current total of
confirmed exoplanets is now 2,525 - and 10 of those may be rocky, Earth-size,
and possibly habitable to alien life. For those wondering whether Google's AI
system could make astronomers obsolete, NASA says not to worry. Jessie Dotson,
a Kepler project scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley,
explained that astronomers will always be needed to classify objects before
feeding information into a neural network, so that the AI can learn how to look
at new data. "This will absolutely work alongside astronomers,"
Dotson said. "You're never going to take that piece out."
SOURCE: Business Insider/Sciencealert
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